I don't know if I have ever gotten into what I do for a living on my blog. Often times it doesn't feel very important. However, I'm going through a (slightly-past) quarter-life crisis in the modern world. In today's world, it's hard to just have one spouse work, while the other stays at home to care for said child. It's just too hard. Too expensive. What's the answer?
When I was little, I didn't realize how much my parents were giving up for my mom to stay home with me. She didn't go back to work until I was about 4 years old. Even then it wasn't like a full time job because she was a teacher. She got Christmas break off. She got summers off. And when we had to stay in daycare after school, it was only until 4pm. I remember other kids having to stay in daycare until 6pm...everyday. I don't want to do that.
But what do you do when you want to have kids. Especially when you're the one bringing the majority of the money in. It's tough. Stressful. But should we put having kids on hold simply because we don't know how we'll do it? My feeling...no.
So I have been actively 'searching' for a stay-at-home career. I know myself and I know that if I quit my job someday and only take care of our children, I might go insane. No, I take that back. I will go mental.
My personality is fast paced and always looking for something to do....with a little homebody mixed in every once in awhile.
I have been toying with the idea of a baby blanket apparel line for several months. I have been doing some research, critiquing my ideas and designs (with the best of my artistic ability) and trying to figure out where to start.
I feel very confident in my ability to Sell. I can sell anything. I can sell beach front property in Arizona. What I am nervous about is diving into an industry that I am passionate about, but completely clueless. I have heard (from reading blogs and other articles) that people in the industry are very protective about their 'sources' and manufactures. I am used to competition, but it's tough when I don't know anything. I need a little help.
Well, I came across this great blog called StartUpKidsLine and this girl isn't afraid to share. Her advice on the industry, her candid remarks about her mistakes and victories and her 'venting' blogs are truly inspiring. She makes me feel that I can do this. There are a lot of brands out there for children, and I want to be one of them. I want to break in. Wish me luck.
Have any suggestions for a good name?
The Bug Loves living in the USA...where I could actually do something like this!