I have told just a few people my true dream.....to own my own business. Not just any business, but a CREATIVE business. Jim has been telling me for years that I should open my own advertising agency and pull some of my direct clients into business with me. No thanks. If I'm going to work for myself, I want it to be something that I'm creatively passionate about.
For those of you who know, I have been working part time on a couple of business ideas. One being for graphic design, and the other being focused on a baby blanket company. Lately I have been 100% focused on this blanket company, and I am getting more excited about it as the days go by. I have been doing TONS of research on the logistics and the product development of this business....along with streamlining my designs.
I have 10 different designs, and I have finally found a manufacturer that can work with me on my vision. I am meeting with them next week to sit down to talk more...along with a web designer to help me with my website. The company is called Little Citizens and the website will soon be www.littlecitizensunite.com.
I have never put myself out like this before...and I have never been more excited. I really like my job in advertising, but it would be so great to work for myself...with a company that is my own vision.
I am not working off of my computer right now, but I would love to post some of my designs for some good ol' fashion feedback. Love my blogging friends! (Raya/Faith) :)
Now, I just need to meet with a lawyer and make this legit!