This Christmas was a good one. I got to be with family and friends, eat REALLY good food, play with my little nephew...And Santa was oh-so-good to me.
My husband totally surprised me with the gift that ends all gifts. He got me an iMac! What a little devil. I have been asking for a new computer for awhile now, only to be met with the response, "let's just wait." (He's the thrifty one in the relationship.)
So, we waited - or at least that's what I thought we were doing.
Christmas morning came and as we sat with my family opening presents, Jim brings out this large box from the back bedroom. This large box had never been seen by my eyes. We loaded the car together, we wrapped presents together. Where had this box been this whole time!?
Nevertheless, I torn the wrapping off the box to reveal, it's it's full glory, the iMac box. I can't tell you how happy I was. Actually, I can because we have a video....and I started crying. :)
I have 3 days off of work and I have been spending all my time working on the computer. Trying to transfer information over from my very old PC, trying to not lose any songs (which has been unsuccessful) and trying to make this computer my very own. The whole transfering songs from my old iTunes was suppose to be easy, but it hasn't. I almost lost it last night...but then realized that they're just songs. Who really cares. I have a new computer. That's all that matters. :)
The Bug Loves all things MAC.
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