It's the best time of the year in Burbank. The summer is just too hot...and you can't beat 80 degree weather with some soft wind blowin' through the house. Love it!
So, with all this great weather and no fear of heat or freeze, I thought I would focus on the front yard. We started redoing the backyard, but it got too cold and we put it all on hold. I haven't been motivated again to finish that part quite yet.
I went and got some great annuals during the Osh 'Buy One Get One Free' event last Saturday. The annuals will bloom for several months! We also went to the local wholesale nursery and got some nice looking greens to fill in the empty spaces. Here are a few pictures of the progression of how the front has looked over the past year. I can't believe we bought the house over a year ago!!
Happy Planting!!
January 07~
April 07~
June 07~
March 08~
I love your house! It looks fantastic. xoxox
Miss you.
You know, it's really a shame that I don't know you better (and live closer) because I could use a girl like you to give me a little home makeover advice.
That being said, I just found Paige Bartel's blog, and then subsequently found yours. I think if I become a frequent reader I might, MIGHT, be able to pick up a few ideas.
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