My sister's due date for her second baby boy is June 25th - exactly a week from today.
About 3 months ago, my sister called me to ask if I wanted to come up to Oregon and be with her in the delivery room. I was totally taken back and was very flattered that she not only asked me, but even thought to have me involved.
My sister and I are very different. We have finally found a comfortable metaphorical corner that we have settled in after 27 years. We have finally figured out how we can be close sisters - different in almost every way. Growing up we found ourselves constantly fighting. I wanting to be more like her. She never wanting me around. A familiar scenario in most 4+ year gap of sisters.
So as I'm mentally preparing for this 'first' of my life, I want to prepare my heart not only to experience first hand the miracle of life, but fully be present in the miracle of sisterhood. It's a wonderful thing. We just had to figure it out.
Ha! That title about gave me a heart attack. Anyway, I will be thinking about you and your sister. Can't wait to hear - hopefully you still want to have kids afterwards : )
So exciting! I *love* babies, and birth. It is such a miracle. I should be done with my doula certification this summer, so when it's your turn, you let me know, I will gladly be there.
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