Friday, February 8, 2008


Jim and I thought we had decided on the perfect wallpaper for our room, but we decided to give the wallpaper books one more look over. Not within an hour were we completely confused. We ended up taking several books home with us to check out against our duvet and the light of the room.
We have already taken those back....and haven't made a decision.
In the quest for the perfect wallpaper, I came across some really cool websites.

Design Your Wall is one of my favorites because it's really easy to navigate. The Sisal Grasscloth is our first choice at this point in time.

The Mirror Effect Foil looks pretty rad..but it's hard for me to believe that it looks that much like a mirror. We were thinking we could put this mirror-like wallpaper within the squares our bedroom closet doors. If we could cut them out and put them within the 3 large squares on each door....that would look pretty sick. Do you believe the mirror effect, though?

Neisha Crosland's Beaded Strip Wallpaper is our other top favorite. Our room is on the smaller side, so I'm afraid it will look too dark and small....but I love vibey rooms! Especially when it's the bedroom ;)

More cool wallpaper sites to come.....

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